Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Important new book on Evola

What looks like a very important new book on Evola has just been published: Paul Furlong, Social and Political Thought of Julius Evola (Abingdon: Routledge, 2011). Unfortunately, given the publsiher, the book is not cheap: ÂŁ80 ($130) in Europe, and an astonishing $260 if ordered from Routledge in the US. [With a less awful price on Amazon, according to a comment to this post].

Professor Furlong is head of the School of European Studies at the University of Cardiff, and has previously published mostly on Italian politics and on the European Union.

In the preface to his book, he declares that the book's focus is Evola's texts and ideas. Furlong includes the historical, cultural and political context to the extent needed to make sense of those ideas, but does not look especially at what people have done with them (though from its title, it looks as if the conclusion does go some way in that direction).

I haven't read beyond the preface, but the rest of the book looks serious and important.

The contents are:
  1. Introduction: Evola in context
  2. Magic idealism and the need for the absolute
  3. Tradition and history
  4. A rigorous political doctrine
  5. Nations, nationalism, empire and Europe
  6. The strategy for the Right: Men and ruins
  7. Race, sex and anti-Semitism
  8. Conclusion: Evola and modern conservatism


Apuleius Platonicus said...

$260 is astonishing, indeed. But thank you for this very interesting "heads up".

StevenR said...

It's $130.00 in the U.S. ($118.87 currently at Amazon.com).

Mark Sedgwick said...

Thanks, StevenR: I've made a note in the text of the main post.

Pierre-Marie Sigaud said...

I have found the book for 69.90 € (postage included) at The Book Depository.

Anonymous said...

For a free PDF of this book go to this address:


Unknown said...


Free PDF